Personal Data Policy

[MERMARTH] Personal Data Policy

In this KVKK Information Text;

Personal Data: Any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person,

Processing of Personal Data: Deleting, destroying or anonymizing personal data after collection, including obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, rearranging, disclosing, transferring, delegating, making available, classifying and preventing their use. All kinds of activities carried out in the period until

Personal Data Protection Law (“KVKK”): Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698,

Company: “Hüseyin Şahin's Private Company”,

Mermarth: Name of the business operated by the company,

Website: The website located on the domain owned by the company,

Contract: The “User and Membership Service Agreement” concluded between the Members and the Company or, where specifically stated, the Goods Production and Sale Agreement concluded with the customers,

Information Text: This KVKK Information Text,

User(s): Any real and legal person(s) who access the Website online.

Member(s): Real persons who registered on the Website by providing their information and gained the title of membership.

Customer(s): Natural or legal person(s) who have concluded a Distance Selling Agreement or Sales Agreement with the Company or Mermarth.

Content(s): All kinds of information, files, pictures, numbers, sound recordings, videos, etc. visual, literary and audio images published or accessible from the Website and/or any website.

Product(s): Special production product(s), similar to which will be prepared upon special order by the customer, displayed by the Company or Mermarth on the website, store, social media platforms.

Link(s): Link(s) that enable access to another website, files, content via the Website or to the Website, files and content from another website.

Data Controller: The natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing Personal Data and is responsible for establishing and managing the data recording system,

It expresses.

Purpose of the Information Text and General Provisions

The purpose of this Information Text on the Protection and Processing of Personal Data (Information Text) is managed by the "Hüseyin Şahin Private Company" (hereinafter referred to as the Company or Mermarth) on the internet at (may be referred to as the Website). by the COMPANY regarding the users' use of www.mermarth or the Customers' ordering by other means (orders from the store, orders by mail, orders finalized by mail to be initiated through social media platforms) obtained during the use of the site. Regarding the processing of personal data collected or given to the COMPANY by the positive actions of the users and/or received from third parties; To clarify in a transparent manner the manner in which personal data is collected, the purposes for which it is processed, the legal reasons and rights, and thus to fulfill the obligation to inform, imposed by Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (Law or KVKK).

The Company and/or Mermarth may update and change this Information Text at any time and without any notice by publishing it on the website, under its own discretion and discretion. Updates and changes will be valid from the date of publication of the new or amended text on the website User/Members and Customer(s) may comply with this Disclosure by visiting and/or transacting through other means, including shopping on the website or in store, social media accounts, telephone channels, provided that it is confirmed by e-mail. He is deemed to have read the text and consented.

Data Controller

Regarding all data processing processes, the "Hüseyin Şahin Private Company", whose address and contact information is detailed below, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data regarding the personal data processed about you, and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system.

Company Address: Headquarters, Karakaya Village Internal Road, Karakaya Afyonisçehisar

Tax Identification Number: 7920477738

Phone Number: +905516828135

E-mail address:

Your Personal Data Processed, Purposes of Processing and Legal Reasons

In case the contract to be established is a distance contract, your personal data collected, stored and processed in accordance with subheadings B and D in this "Your Processed Personal Data, Purposes of Processing and Legal Reasons" title will be able to fulfill the preliminary information obligation imposed on the Company by the Distance Contracts Regulation. Personal data belonging to the parties to the contract may be collected, stored and processed for legal reasons, provided that it is directly related to the establishment of the contract in accordance with KVKK Article 5/2c.

A. Your website visit

Your Personal Data Collected and Processed consists of the following;

1. Website Traffic Information (IP Address, Connection time, Visited page)

2. Cookie Information

Your Website Traffic Information is legal to fulfill the legal requirements imposed by the provisions regarding the responsibility of the hosting provider regulated in Article 4 of the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, pursuant to KVKK Article 5/2a. It is collected, stored and processed based on the reason and in order to carry out our activities in accordance with the laws and other applicable legislation, to ensure visitor tracking and creation of records, to carry out information security processes and to carry out archive activities.

Your Cookie Information is collected, stored and processed based on the legal reason in KVKK Article 5/2f, in order to carry out our marketing and analysis studies, to carry out our campaigns and promotion processes and to complete the advertising processes.

B. Your Product Search/Purchase/Cancellation and Return Processes

While searching for a product, you are legally defined as a "Relevant Person" with the title of "Potential Product or Service Buyer". Your personal data collected and processed in this process consists of the following;

1. Information you entered during your product search, (including but not limited to product type, color, material, size and other choices you made regarding the product(s) while searching)

2. Your entered data regarding the selected product(s) (Product type, material, size, etc.)

Provided that the information you enter during your product search is directly related to the establishment of the contract in KVKK Article 5/2c, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract for legal reasons and for the establishment of the User and Membership Agreement and the Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sale Agreement. Based on the legal reason that it is necessary, it is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure the full and complete execution of our service and sales processes, to ensure the execution of service operation processes, to ensure the operation of our storage and archive services and to ensure the execution of communication services.

The data that your browser holds, stores and/or processes based on your product search transactions is beyond the control of the Company and/or Mermarth and www.mermarth, which it operates. Our company and the web services it operates cannot be held responsible for this data.

When ordering and purchasing products, you are legally defined as the "Product or Service Receiver" and the "Relevant Person" by law. Your personal data collected and processed in this process consists of:

1. Your visit information regarding transaction security. (including but not limited to IP address, connection time, connection end time, IP protocol used, amount of data transferred, page visited and other information regarding transaction security)

2. Your identity information (Name-Surname)

3. Your Address Information (product(s) delivery address, billing address)

4. Your Payment Information (Credit Card, Mail Order, Cash or Installment Sales Information, prices, fee, tax office, tax number and other information that may be required for the performance of the contract)

5. Your Contact Information (Mobile phone number, workplace phone number, home phone number, phone number of the person to be delivered, your e-mail address regarding order confirmation and delivery processes)

6. Your Customer Specific Product Selection Information. (Information about the type, size, material selection and other special requests and needs of the product that the Company will produce specifically for you)

7. Your legal transaction information (Confirmation that you have read and understood the preliminary information in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection and relevant legislation and that you consent to your contractual obligations, clearly stating that a similar product of the product you have chosen will be specially produced by the Company in the size and other qualities you want and that the right of withdrawal will not be exercised. confirmation that you have been informed)

Your visit information regarding transaction security is provided in Articles 4 and 7/2 of the Internet Law in the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications Made on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications, pursuant to KVKK Art. 5/2a. It is collected, stored and processed based on the legal reason to fulfill the legal requirements imposed by the legislation, as it is clearly stipulated in the laws, especially its articles, and in order to carry out our activities in accordance with the laws and other applicable legislation, to ensure visitor tracking and creation of records, to carry out information security processes and to carry out archive activities.

Provided that your identity information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales Agreements to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to carry out product/service production, operation and sales processes completely, to complete financial and accounting transactions and to carry out storage/archive activities. Your Identity Information is also subject to our legal obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, and the Storage of Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç. Based on the obligation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your Identity Information is also clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Consumer Protection Law and secondary legislation, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your Address Information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, to ensure the execution of product/service sales processes based on the User and Membership Service Agreement to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed for the purpose of Your Address Information, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, our legal obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce and the Storage of Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2. Based on the obligation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your Address Information, in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Consumer Protection Law and secondary legislation, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2c; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your Payment Information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and the Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales will be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to fulfill our financial obligations in accordance with the agreements and to ensure the execution of accounting works and product/service sales processes. Your payment information is subject to our legal obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, and the Storage of Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç. Based on the obligation; Because it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your payment information, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, is required for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations in order to fulfill our legal obligations in accordance with the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and the Tax Procedure Law No. 213. It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your payment information is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product/service operation and sales processes and storage and archive activities, if you give your explicit consent in accordance with KVKK Article 5/1 and if you wish to store credit card information through our authorized suppliers.

Your Address Information will be included in the User and Service Agreement and Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales Agreements to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c. It is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure the execution of product/service sales processes. Your Address Information, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, our legal obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce and the Storage of Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2. Based on the obligation; Because it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your Address Information, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, in order to fulfill our legal obligations in accordance with the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and the Tax Procedure Law No. 213, and because it is mandatory, It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Your contact information will be included in the User and Service Agreement and Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales Agreements to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c. It is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure the execution of product/service production, operation and sales processes. Your contact information, our obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce and the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2c. and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages. Based on the Commercial Electronic Message - Approval Records specified in Article 13; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your contact information is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out communication, advertising and marketing activities, if you have your explicit consent in accordance with KVKK Article 5/1 and if you request commercial electronic messages to be sent.

Your Customer Special Product Selection Information, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c, is the product you have placed an order with based on the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure the production of the product and the execution of the sales and delivery processes.

Provided that your legal transaction information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, based on the User and Membership Service Agreement to be concluded with you; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, carrying out product / service production and operation processes completely, carrying out storage / archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members. Your legal transaction information is based on the legal reason that data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right regulated in KVKK Article 5/2e, and the product you have ordered pursuant to the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, Consumer Protection No. 6502. To fulfill our responsibility to inform you in advance that you do not have the right of withdrawal in cases where you order products from the store in accordance with the relevant Law and its secondary legislation, and that in any case, the Goods Production and Sale Contract to be concluded with you cannot be used as the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised as the Contract for Goods Production and Sale to be concluded with you is a contract regarding goods prepared in line with the Consumer's wishes or personal needs, and other matters, and It is collected, stored and processed because it is necessary to prove this.

Since the products offered by the company are not mass produced or stock goods, they are considered to be goods customized in line with the wishes and needs of the consumer. In this respect, returns are not accepted unless the right of withdrawal is exercised after the production of the order has started, the contract is canceled or a defect proven to be caused by the producing Company occurs after the product is delivered. . As a matter of fact, the Law on Consumer Protection and the Distance Contracts Regulation specify these issues and do not essentially recognize the right of withdrawal in cases where transactions are made in the store. Despite these issues, you are defined by law as the "Relevant Person" with the title of "Product or Service Receiver" in case of defects that may arise due to customer satisfaction policy or errors proven to be caused by the Company and in your cancellation requests to be made before the start of production. Your personal data collected and processed in this process consists of:

1. Your Identity Information (Name-Surname, TR ID Number)

2. Your Order Information

3. Your Payment Information

4. Your Contact Information (Phone number (Mobile), E-mail)

Provided that your identity information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales Agreements to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed for the purpose of carrying out storage/archiving activities regarding the cancellation process. Your Identity Information is also subject to our legal obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, and the Storage of Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç. Based on the obligation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of performing storage and archive services. Your Identity Information is also clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Consumer Protection Law and secondary legislation, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purpose of carrying out storage/archive activities regarding the cancellation process in accordance with the Goods Production and Sales Contract.

Provided that your order information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sales will be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed for the purpose of carrying out storage/archiving activities regarding cancellation in accordance with the agreements. Your order information is subject to the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 5 and Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, and Based on the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Commercial Code, Tax Procedure Law, Consumer Protection Law and secondary legislation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your Payment Information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and the Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sale will be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to provide a refund of the order amount regarding cancellation in accordance with the contracts, to carry out financial/accounting transactions, including our tax obligations, and to carry out storage/archival activities. Your payment information, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, is required for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations in order to fulfill our legal obligations in accordance with the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and the Tax Procedure Law No. 213. It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your contact information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, the User and Membership Service Agreement and the Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sale will be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed for the purpose of carrying out storage/archiving activities regarding cancellation in accordance with the agreements. As clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, your contact information must comply with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law, the Law on Consumer Protection and its secondary legislation, and the Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations. Based on our obligations in Article 5 of the Regulation and the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of performing storage and archive services.

C. Your data collected, stored and processed in relation to the processes carried out regarding membership and transactions made by third parties on your behalf.

When you become a member of the website, you are legally defined as a "Product or Service Receiver" and a "Relevant Person" by law. Your personal data collected and processed in this process consists of:

1. Your visit information regarding transaction security. (User name, user password and password, IP address, connection time, connection end time, IP protocol used, amount of data transferred, page visited and other information regarding transaction security, including but not limited to)

2. Your Identity Information (Name-Surname, TR ID Number)

3. Your Payment Information (Credit card information, prices, fee, tax office, tax number, tax, credit card Number, credit card expiration date, credit card security number)

4. Your Contact Information (Phone number, Commercial Electronic Communication Permission, E-mail)

5. Your legal transaction information (Information Text Read Receipt, Explicit Consent Confirmation, Data Deletion Request)

6. Your records regarding e-commerce.

Provided that your information regarding transaction security is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c, product/service production, operation based on the User and Service Agreement to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of fully executing and sales processes, completing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out storage/archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members.

Pursuant to the User and Service Agreement to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that your identity information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, fully executing product/service production, operation and sales processes, completing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out storage/archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members. In order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, your information regarding your identity information is kept in accordance with the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Your payment information, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, pursuant to the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Pursuant to the User and Service Agreement to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that your contact information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, fully executing product/service production, operation and sales processes, completing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out storage/archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members. Your contact information will be subject to the Obligation to Keep Electronic Records and Commercial Communications and Communications as specified in Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç. Regulation on Commercial Electronic Messages Art. Based on the Commercial Electronic Message - Approval Records specified in Article 13; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your contact information is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out communication, advertising and marketing activities, if you have your explicit consent in accordance with KVKK Article 5/1 and if you request commercial electronic messages to be sent.

Provided that your legal transaction information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, based on the User and Service Agreement to be concluded with you; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, fully executing product/service production, operation and sales processes, completing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out storage/archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members.

Your e-commerce-related records, customer transaction records, Obligation to Keep Electronic Records specified in Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç. and the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages. Based on the Commercial Electronic Message - Approval Records specified in Article 13; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

You, whose personal data is processed by the Company, are accepted by law as the "Relevant Person" as a "Product or Service Receiver" since you are a member of the website. In cases where a third party purchases products/services on your behalf, your personal data is obtained through this third party. If this transaction has occurred without your knowledge and consent, you must contact the Company. In this case, your personal data processed consists of the following:

1. Your Identity Information

2. Your Customer Specific Product Selection Information

3. Your contact information

4. Your Address Information

If a third party places a product order on your behalf, provided that the order is finalized by e-mail, including the company's website, social media accounts and telephone channel, your personal data mentioned above will be transferred directly to you with the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c. Complete execution of product production, operation and sales processes, financial and accounting transactions, based on the User and Membership Service Agreement and the Distance/Direct Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related. It is collected, stored and processed in order to complete and carry out storage/archive activities. Your personal data listed above will be processed in Article 11/2 of the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, in case a third party establishes a contract for your benefit. Based on the specified Electronic Records Storage Obligation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services. Your personal data mentioned above may also be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law, the Law on Consumer Protection and secondary legislation in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2c; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

D. Your personal data collected, stored and processed during your purchases from the Store and during your order.

1. Your identity information (Name-Surname)

2. Your Address Information (product(s) delivery address, billing address)

3. Your Payment Information (Credit Card, Mail Order, Cash or Installment Sales Information, prices, fee, tax office, tax number and other information that may be required for the performance of the contract)

4. Your Contact Information (Mobile phone number, workplace phone number, home phone number, phone number of the person to be delivered, your e-mail address regarding order confirmation and delivery processes)

5. Your Customer Specific Product Selection Information. (Information about the type, size, material selection and other special requests and needs of the product that the Company will produce specifically for you)

6. Your legal transaction information (Confirmation that you have read and understood the preliminary information in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection and relevant legislation and that you consent to your contractual obligations, clearly stating that a similar product of the product you have chosen will be specially produced by the Company in the size and other qualities you want and that the right of withdrawal will not be exercised. confirmation that you have been informed)

Provided that your identity information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, based on the Goods Production and Sale Contract to be concluded with you; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, carrying out product / service production, operation and sales processes completely, completing financial and accounting transactions, carrying out storage / archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to customers and members. In order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Art. 5/2ç, your information regarding your identity information is in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law, the Law on Consumer Protection and secondary legislation; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your Address Information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c, the processing of product/service sales processes based on the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure its execution. Your Address Information, in accordance with the provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations, the Turkish Commercial Code, the Tax Procedure Law, the Law on Consumer Protection and secondary legislation, in order for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2c; Since it is mandatory, it is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out product and service production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Your Contact Information, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c, will be used for product/service sales and services pursuant to the Goods Production and Sales Contract to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed to ensure that delivery processes run smoothly.

Your Customer Special Product Selection Information, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Art. 5/2c, is the product you have placed an order with based on the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract. It is collected, stored and processed in order to ensure the production of the product and the execution of the sales and delivery processes.

Your Payment Information, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, to fulfill our financial obligations based on the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract and It is collected, stored and processed in order to carry out accounting activities and product/service sales processes. Your payment information, as clearly stated in KVKK Article 5/2ç, is required for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations in order to fulfill our legal obligations in accordance with the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 and the Tax Procedure Law No. 213. It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out production, presentation, operation and sales processes and performing storage and archive services.

Provided that your legal transaction information is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract regulated in KVKK Article 5/2c, based on the legal reason that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, based on the User and Membership Service Agreement to be concluded with you; It is collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out information security services, carrying out product / service production and operation processes completely, carrying out storage / archiving activities and carrying out and auditing activities related to members. Your legal transaction information is based on the legal reason that data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right regulated in KVKK Article 5/2e, and the product you have ordered pursuant to the Goods Production and Sale Agreement to be concluded with you, Consumer Protection No. 6502. To fulfill our responsibility to inform you in advance that you do not have the right of withdrawal in cases where you order products from the store in accordance with the relevant Law and its secondary legislation, and that in any case, the Goods Production and Sale Contract to be concluded with you cannot be used as the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised as the Contract for Goods Production and Sale to be concluded with you is a contract regarding goods prepared in line with the Consumer's wishes or personal needs, and other matters, and It is collected, stored and processed because it is necessary to prove this.

E. Your personal data collected, stored and processed if you contact the Company by using the contact form on the website.

The User/Member who visits our website and contacts us via the contact form is considered a "Relevant Person" by law as a "Visitor". Your personal data collected, stored and processed in this process is as follows:

1. Your Identity Information (Name, Surname)

2. Your contact information (e-mail address, phone number)

3. Your customer transaction information (Your request, services related to your request)

Provided that your personal data listed above is directly related to the establishment of the contract in KVKK Art. 5/2c, it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract and KVKK Art. As stated in 5/2f, it is collected for legal reasons that we have legitimate interests, in order to carry out customer relationship management processes, to ensure the full and complete execution of our service and sales processes, to ensure the execution of service operation processes, to ensure the operation of our storage and archive services and to ensure the execution of communication services. is stored and processed.

F. Your personal data that may be collected, stored and processed for other reasons.

Regarding Judicial Processes; Except for the exceptions in Article 28 of the Law, it is directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract specified in KVKK Article 5/2c, for the purposes of following up and carrying out the disputes to which the Company is a party and legal affairs related to them, taking preventive measures for disputes and managing complaints and requests. Provided that the processing of personal data belonging to the parties to the contract is necessary, it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligations specified in KVKK Art. 5/2ç and KVKK Art. Your identity information, contact information, order and customer information and legal choice information may be collected, stored and processed based on the legal reasons that data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person specified in 5/2f.

Regarding our Customer Satisfaction Studies , it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that your identity information and audio recording data are directly related to the establishment or execution of a contract specified in KVKK Art. 5/2c and KVKK Art. Based on the legal reasons that data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person specified in 5/2f, the Company carries out the processes of commitment to products and services, execution of the processes of selling goods and services, support after the sale of goods and services. It can be collected, stored and processed for the purposes of carrying out customer service services, carrying out customer relationship management processes, carrying out transactions aimed at customer satisfaction, tracking requests and complaints received via telephone, and carrying out information security processes.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

Your personal data may be transferred to the relevant authorities upon request within the framework of KVKK Article 28/1, without any obligation to inform and without your explicit consent.

Apart from this, in unforeseen cases, your personal data may be transferred to public institutions (administrative authorities such as Ministries) specified in the law, if requested, in cases clearly stated in the law, within the purposes and limitations stipulated in the law.

Your personal data, except for our legal obligations that do not have an obligation to inform and do not require your explicit consent;

• To our business partners at home or abroad for the purpose of carrying out our storage activities,

• To our business partners from whom we receive support in the field of logistics, if deemed necessary for the delivery of the goods produced,

• To our business partners from whom we receive services in the fields of customer relations and communication management,

• To our business partners who provide services in the field of law in order to follow up legal affairs,

• Your approvals regarding commercial electronic messages are processed by İlet Yönetimi Sistemleri A.Ş. in order to carry out the activities in accordance with the legislation. eat,

• It is transferred to relevant service providers within the scope of service communication.

In order for your payment to be made, your payment instrument (e.g. credit card) information is shared with the Bank and your payment is received. In addition, if you want to store your credit card information within the authorized payment intermediary institution in order to use it in your future purchases, your card information transferred to our suppliers authorized to store cards will be stored there by taking adequate security measures.

Some information about your movements, choices and preferences on the website processed through cookies may be transferred to third party cookie providers. For detailed information, you can review Information About Cookies.

We would like to point out that in exceptional cases, if your refund request is accepted, we also share your relevant payment and financial information with banks in order to refund the canceled amount to your card and/or account with which you made your purchase.

If no contact information is provided for you, the documents created regarding the order will be forwarded to third parties who provide your information to us and carry out beneficial transactions for you. The third party acting on your behalf is responsible for the complete and accurate transfer of this information and documents to you.

It is possible to share it with our relevant suppliers for the purpose of carrying out transactions based on your request.

Our basic principles regarding the processing of Personal Data;

Our basic principles that we comply with when collecting, storing and processing your personal data are as follows:

1. To operate these processes in accordance with the law, legislation and rules of honesty

2. Collect, store and process data in accordance with the purpose of the services we offer and only limited to these

3. To store the collected and processed personal data for the period required by the law and relevant legislation, and to anonymize or delete these data upon expiry of the relevant legal periods.

4. All personal data collected, stored and processed are confidential and Mermarth respects this confidentiality. Only authorized persons within the company can access personal data. All necessary technical and administrative measures are taken to protect the personal data collected by our company and to prevent it from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons and to prevent our members and users from being victimized. In this context, it is ensured that the software complies with the standards, third parties are carefully selected and the data protection policy is observed within the company.

Your Rights Regarding Your Personal Data

To exercise your rights regarding your personal data, you must first contact the data controller. According to Article 14 of the Law, it is not possible to make a complaint directly to the Personal Data Protection Board.

Regarding your personal data in accordance with the law;

a) Learning whether personal data is processed or not

b) Requesting information if your personal data has been processed,

c) Learning the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

d) Knowing the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred at home or abroad,

d) Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,

e) Requesting the deletion or destruction of your personal data in case the reasons requiring processing are eliminated,

f) To request that the transactions carried out in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) be notified to third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred,

g) Object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automatic systems,

g) To request compensation for the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of personal data,

You have rights and you can exercise these rights by contacting our company that collects, stores and processes your personal data as the data controller.

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